Interpreting Report

Domain Details

Domain Details may contain some of the fields below:

This is the most important piece of information in the Domain Details. It is the person or organization who owns the domain.
The primary contact persons of the organization. Usually, it shows Administrative Contact, Technical Contact, and Billing Contact.
Creation Date:
The date the domain record was created.
Expiration Date:
The date the domain record is expired. After the expiration date and redemption period, if the owner does not renew the domain, other party can claim it.
Domain/Name servers:
A name server maintains a directory of domain names and their matching IP addresses.
The company that keeps the domain registration or record.
The state of the domain name. Most accured states are:

ACTIVE/OK - the normal state of a domain, set by the Registry. The Registrar can modify and renew this domain.

REGISTRAR-HOLD – the domain has been placed on hold by the Registrar and cannot be used.

REGISTRY-HOLD – the domain has been placed on hold by the Registry and cannot be used.

REGISTRAR-LOCK – the Registrar, often at the request of the domain registrant, has locked down the domain so that its settings cannot be modified.

REGISTRY-LOCK – the Registry has locked down the domain so that its settings cannot be modified.

REDEMPTIONPERIOD – the domain has expired and the Registry is waiting for 30 days as a precautionary measure before releasing it.

PENDINGRESTORE – a domain that had expired is now being restored to ACTIVE status.

PENDINGDELETE – the domain expired 30 days ago and the Registry is about to erase it. A domain will remain in this status for 5 days before it is deleted.

Network Details

Network Details from ARIN WHOIS server may contain some of the fields below:

The organization (or division within an organization) who manages the network. OrgID is a unique indentifier of an organization.

If the value of the NetType is not Direct Assignment, this organization could probably the network provider for your target organization.
Range of IP Addresses allocated to OrgName.
CIDR stands for Classless Inter-Domain Routing. CIDR is another way to express NetRange, it shows the range of IP Addresses allocated to OrgName.
The registered network name for the IP addresses.
A unique name that identify the network.
Net Handle of the parent network. A parent is an organization that has been allocated address space from RIR or another ISP, with the intention of sub-delegating that space.
Type of IP Addresses assignment. It can be one of these types:

Direct Assignment: IP addresses are registered to an organization for use within the Internet infrastructure it operates, not for sub-delegation of those addresses.

Reallocated: IP addresses are allocated to an organization for use in their internal networks or for further sub-delegation.

Reassigned: IP addresses are assigned to an organization from a parent organization for use in their internal networks.
A name server maintains a directory of domain names and their matching IP addresses.
Registration date of this record.

Network Details from ARIN RWHOIS server may contain some of the fields below:

The type of information to which the record belongs. Class-Name network means that the record contains information about a network.
The name of the authority area to which the network belongs.
The NetHandle, a unique name that identify the network.
The identifier of the network. It consists of Net Handle and Authority-Area name.
CIDR of the network. See explanation on CIDR above.
Net Range of the network. See explanation on NetRange above.

Possible Contacts

This is a list of people with email address associated with the domain. For most companies, they are probably affiliated with the organization. However, special caution should be paid for Internet service providers (ISPs), e.g. AOL, cable network providers, etc. These companies let customers use email addresses associated with their domain names as part of their services.
Name of Point of Contact.
A unique name to identify the contact.

Other fields are self-explanatory.