
Domain Name

The unique name that identifies an Internet site. Domain Names always have 2 or more parts, separated by dots. For Example:

The right-most part (.com) is called Top Level Domain (TLD). The second part (stringcodes) is the subdomain, and mostly (but not always) is the identifier of the organization you are looking for.

IP (Internet Protocol)

The standard designed to allow a computer communicate with other computers over the Internet.

IP Address / IP Number

The address of a domain on the internet is represented by a unique number consisting of 4 parts separated by dots, called IP Address. For Example:

Since most human doesn't have a knack to memorized these numbers, you may also access a domain by its Domain Name. See Domain Name.

Name Server (Domain Name Server)

It is the Internet's equivalent to a phone book.  A name server maintains a directory of domain names and their matching IP addresses.


An entity (person/organization) who register a domain to the Internet Registry.


A company which is accredited by Internet authority to take domain registrations from public.

RIR (Regional Internet Registry)

An organization that is responsible for distributing IP addresses on a regional level to internet service providers and local registries.


RWhois (Referral Whois) is Directory Service which extends and enhances WHOIS protocol.
For more information, see:


An Internet utility that allow you to look up information about an Internet site in the registry databases. A server that provides WHOIS information is WHOIS host/server.